Jinglei Tech Blog

All the thing Jinglei learned or learning


About Jinglei

About Me

Hi my name is Jinglei and you can also call me Ray. I am a software developer based in London UK.

In this space, I will document and share things including

  1. Data Structure and Algorithm
  2. System Design
  3. Infrustucture
  4. Some other programming language knowledge

My background

I changed my career after graduation and heading to teach world.

Areas I have been exposed to commercially:

Category Tech-Stack
Language Java, Scala, Python, bash-script, JavaScript, TypeScript etc.
Infrustructure Jekins pipeline, Ansible, AWS, Alibaba Cloud, Docker, Gradle
Frameword Vue 2, Vue3, Springboot
Middle Ware Message Queue (Pulsar, Amazon SNS, Kafka, Rabbit MQ), Nginx
Database SQL (postgres, mysql etc) No-SQL (Cassandra, Cockroach DB)
Project Management Agile, Kanba etc.
Design Monolic, Micro Services, Event Driven, Distributed System


Please do contact me, if you have anything would like to comment, correct or just to discuss.

I am also seeking new opportunities, if you have anything good roles you can refer or suggest, please contact!